La Religión Como Problema En Puerto Rico

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libro La Religión Como Problema En Puerto Rico

Our population practices both traditional and organized religions, like various forms of syncretism in everyday life. Nonetheless, religious organizations and its practices in some occasions have been addressed in a critical way, taking into consideration its negative effects on our social lives. It is to say that it seems there is a social consensus that understands these implications and consequences are exclusively positive. The religious person provides direction for everyday living, in explicit and implicit ways. Although the less institutionalized versions of the practices, at the present time, called by some people the ‘New Spirituality’, do not escape the archaic visions of the religious, and it is structured in the same way as ancient organizations. The themes tackled by the book manifest central preoccupations of the authors around the religious insertion into everyday affairs, concentrating on the negative implications. These include the impact on personal and social health of the country, the religious regulation of sexuality, and finally, the legal implications of religious proliferation in Puerto Rico. The works presented in this book contribute to generating a critical reflection around the role of organized religion in Puerto Rico and its adverse implications.

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