Resumen del libro
Unveil the power of positive thinking in your favor and generate abundance in your life. You have the capacity and fortune to create health and abundance. This possibility is your birthright. A successful existence is possible. This step-by-step guide by Astrologist Mario Vannucci, shows you how you can become an acquaintance of spiritual and material richness. Based upon the principle that everything surrounding us in the Universe is a mind creation, Vannucci helps us connect with Archangel Uriel to reach a spiritual more meaningful purpose in life. The book includes clear and practical exercises to help you visualize and become aware of the daily miracles, which truly exist. You are a living testimony of that magic!!!
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 224
- Autor: Mario Vannucci
- Tamaño: 1.51 - 2.42 MB
- Descargas: 1734
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