Chemical Peels

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libro Chemical Peels

Introducing a new title in the Procedures in Cosmetic Dermatology Series! This breakthrough reference presents up-to-the-minute, practical guidance on the full range of chemical peel procedures including superficial peels, light peels, medium depth peels, and more–edited by one of the foremost pioneers in the field, Mark G. Rubin. Succinctly written and lavishly illustrated, this resource focuses on procedural how to’s and offers step-by-step guidance on proper techniques, pitfalls, and tricks of the trade. Covers the hottest topics in chemical peels – including the latest techniques for deep phenol peels–all in one concise, accessible volume. Provides the «tricks of the trade» of practically minded, technically skilled, hands-on clinicians. Features a wealth of color illustrations and photographs that depict cases as they present in practice. Discusses common pitfalls and emphasizes how to optimize outcomes, enabling you to improve your technique. Highlights emerging topics in the field, with guidance on the newest developments in cosmetic surgery.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 190
  • Autor: Mark G Rubin
  • Tamaño: 1.75 - 2.25 MB
  • Descargas: 1595

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