Resumen del libro
If youve worn headphones, watched TV, worked on a computer, or ridden in a car, then you have experienced the power of electromagnetism. Learn all about electricity, magnetism, the link between these forces: electromagnetism, and how these forces impact our lives. Teach third-grade students about atoms, currents, circuits, magnetism, and more with the colorful images and fun facts in this high-interest informational text. Featuring a hands-on Think Like a Scientist lab activity that is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards, this book supports STEM instruction and helps students apply what theyve learned in the text. Helpful diagrams and text features, such as a glossary and index, are also included to improve content-area literacy.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 32
- Autor: Jenna Winterberg
- Tamaño: 1.82 - 2.17 MB
- Descargas: 1625
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