Como Tomar Decisiones En Grupo (how To Make Decisions As A Group)

Resumen del libro

libro Como Tomar Decisiones En Grupo (how To Make Decisions As A Group)

Making a decision can sometimes be tough. Consider how difficult it is for people to make decisions as a group. It definitely is a skill that must be learned and exercised. This book uses age-appropriate text to explore how leadership and communication can help groups, from students to politicians, make decisions. The text also offers insight on how to deal with people in groups who arent positively contributing to the decision-making process. Readers will enjoy learning about working with others to make decisions and other valuable civics concepts from the C3 Framework for Social Studies.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 24
  • Autor: Joshua Turner
  • Tamaño: 1.75 - 2.27 MB
  • Descargas: 1215

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