Resumen del libro
Following to the approval of the third session of the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) Sub-Committee on Aquaculture (New Delhi, 2006), and the twenty-seventh session of COFI (Rome, 2007) to establish an interregional mechanism for aquaculture similar to the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP-FS), the Workshop was called to address the need for data and information coordination in aquaculture and objectives, characteristics and structure suitable for the Coordinating Working Party for Aquaculture (CWP-AS). After reviewing the data and information requirements in aquaculture and existing gaps in data collection, the necessity to harmonize standards for data, information and statistics, the relations between capture fishery and aquaculture, and structure and activities of CWP-FS, the Workshop reaffirmed the need for a mechanism to identify, establish and harmonize standards for aquaculture data, information and statistics. The Workshop recommended the establishment of the CWP-AS within the framework of the CWP-FS, but with its own terms of reference (TORs), rules of procedure and composition to reflect the specific needs of the aquaculture sector. The Workshop further developed a detailed proposal of functions and structure of such a body including TORs, composition and operational aspects which are attached as Appendix 3.
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- Número de páginas: 15
- Autor: Otros
- Tamaño: 1.97 - 2.13 MB
- Descargas: 2158
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