Resumen del libro
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of the Société de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian) provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest bibliographical information. Key Features: Edited by the renowned Société de Linguistique Romane Provides a panorama of current main research areas Over 500 contributions of internationally well-known scholars Two-step selection procedure
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 5046
- Autor: Heidi Siller Runggaldier Maria Iliescu Paul Danler
- Tamaño: 1.63 - 2.25 MB
- Descargas: 580
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