Ricardo Mazal

Resumen del libro

libro Ricardo Mazal

Solo exhibition dedicated to Mazal (b. México, lives and works in New York,Santa Fe, NM and Mexico City), an established artist that has defined an individual style,leaving behind the abstract forms of the 1980s to experiment with other media such asphotography and digital techniques integrating them to his colorful and passionate paintings,drawings, photographs and installations. Some of the displayed pieces were previously presented when Mazal first exhibited his installation La tumba de la reina roja (The tomb of the RedQueen) blending visual and formal experiences developed while in visiting the archaeologicalburial site of the Pre-Columbian Maya queen in Palenque, Mexico. The installation includes amusical piece by Christopher Jonas and Molly Sturges composed specially for the occasion. Withtexts by exibition curator Luis-Martin Lozano, Santiago Espinoza de los Monteros and ArdenReed –Provided by vendor.

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 142
  • Autor: Ricardo Mazal
  • Tamaño: 1.93 - 2.45 MB
  • Descargas: 942

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