Spanish Cuisine

Resumen del libro

libro Spanish Cuisine

A guided tour of classic and regional Spanish cooking for travelers, chefs, and food lovers A combination restaurant companion/culinary reference, Spanish Cuisine familiarizes you with both classical Spanish cooking and the myriad regional dishes found throughout the country, from Catalu?a to the Canary Islands. Whether its a hardy Extremaduran fais?n a las uvas (pot roasted pheasant with grapes) or a spicy calamares rellenos (Balearic stuffed squid) it tells you what it is, whats in it, how its prepared, how it differs from region to region, and more. An ideal companion to take along on your next journey to Spain, as well as a valuable reference for amateur and professional cooks whod like to add the distinctive tastes of Spain to their international repertoire, Spanish Cuisine gives you: A complete dictionary of Spanish dishes Ingredients for hundreds of classical and regional dishes, organized by course A Spanish-English glossary of cooking terms Explanations of different cooking styles and preparation methods, from region to region Descriptions of Spanish wines and liqueurs Other books in The Gourmets Companion Series: French Cuisine M Italian Cuisine

Ficha del Libro

  • Número de páginas: 150
  • Autor: Matt A Casado
  • Tamaño: 1.87 - 2.19 MB
  • Descargas: 2052

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