Resumen del libro
One of the worst psychological ills that exist is emotional attachment. This type of dependency not only is the cause of suffering and unhappiness, and it also creates an obstacle to personal growth. Supporting the same in the most recent contributions of cognitive psychology like in the ancient traditions of Buddhism, Walter Riso demonstrates that attaching oneself in an obsessive or irrational manner to a person, object, an activity or a sentiment impedes obtaining a full and happy life. These pages invite us to leave behind what we do not need, that which imprisons and ties down our development, reducing the capacity we have to decide, act and to be blessed. Detaching oneself does not mean not wishing for things, renouncing passions or demonstrating indifference to others. To the contrary, it deals with assuming an existence of a free manner, without encrypting individual wellbeing or the meaning of life in a specific aspect of reality.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 188
- Autor: Walter Riso
- Tamaño: 1.72 - 2.35 MB
- Descargas: 1242
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