Resumen del libro
These pages constitute a call to restore the balance of mind and body, by rescuing one of our most valuable resources, one that we find more and more regulated and discredited every day. In the expert opinion of the therapist Walter Riso, rational intelligence is one of the greatest adaptive tools that humans can count on, and thank for their daily survival. Nonetheless, this does not guarantee equilibrium, internal harmony, or physical and psychological health. It is necessary to complement this part of ones self with the innate power and wisdom that inhabits our emotions. This book shows us how to integrate these components in a constructive manner and to take advantage of them for our benefit.
Ficha del Libro
- Número de páginas: 128
- Autor: Walter Riso
- Tamaño: 1.89 - 2.17 MB
- Descargas: 1410
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